The Academy Awards, known internationally as ‘The Oscars’, is a set of twenty-four gold plated statuettes, awarded for ‘artistic and technical merit’ on behalf of the American film industry.
They have become without doubt the world’s most established and well known awards ceremony being watched by millions of people every year. With the red carpet packed with ‘A-List’ celebrities posing for photographs, mingling with fellow nominees and discussing ‘who they’re wearing’ with the worlds press, it’s an extremely exciting evening. With the accolades spanning from ‘Best Sound Mixing’ to ‘Best Actor / Actress’ the 34cm tall statues are revered and coveted by all involved.
An Oscar is seen by many as the ‘top award’ to win for those who work in the silver screen and is one of the most anticipated nights in the Hollywood calendar. They are recognised by all and have the ability to propel the names and careers of little known actors to the forefront of their industry and to the eyes of the rest of the world.
But what about us?
The Logistics Industry equivalent can have a similar effect, (but probably won’t get you a better table in a restaurant or have people wanting to take selfies with you while at said restaurant). These awards are proving their worth as a superb way to raise the industry profile, recognise performance, celebrate relationships between suppliers and clients, as well as to boost employee motivation and engagement. These awards are a seal of approval from the industry and a reassurance of quality and credibility, and who wouldn’t want all that, right?
While The Oscars only have 24 prizes to be won, due to the versatility of our sector the categories are spread far and wide. From ‘Short Distance Driver of the Year’ to ‘Environmental & Sustainability’ all the way up to the big one, ‘Company of the Year’, each is as fiercely contested as the last. Picking up any of the wide array of Awards can significantly distinguish a company’s offering from their competitors. There is always something to gain from entering for an award, even if the outcome isn’t what is expected.
Being shortlisted alone offers recognition and credibility while elevating a company above its peers. It is a valuable PR tool also to generate awareness of your business as a respected and verified company in the eyes of the industry. This can come in handy when tender time rolls around.
Where does this all take place?
These ‘swanky shindigs’ are usually held in prestigious hotels and arenas, in major cities around the country. Hosted by big names in the world of comedy and TV who are paid handsomely to ensure that these special evenings run smoothly and that the crowds enjoy themselves. The likes of Gabby Logan, John Bishop, Jonathan Ross, Fiona Bruce are to name but a few of the commanders of ceremonies.
Variety is the spice of life.
With an ever broadening spectrum of awards each year from established industry overseers such as, CILT, FTA, UKWA, SHD, Motor Transport to name but a few, your trophy cabinet could fill up pretty quickly if you good at what you do. But the giant that is ‘Logistics Awards Season’ seems to be growing nationally, regionally and locally year on year which can only be a good thing…can’t it?
Behind the scenes…
To enter into this ever challenging race for supremacy can be a lot of work, and sometimes for absolutely no reward. The application process is becoming more rigorous, and demanding in nature. With in-depth site visits, thorough analysis of data and supporting evidence, requests for operational and financial detail, more often than not the process itself is a lengthy one.
What the future holds…
All we know is that awards are here to stay. They are an important factor to boost healthy rivalry between companies, to improve service, standards, and systems. This can only be positive.
At Culina Group we value awards recognition almost as much as that of our clients. It’s important for us to keep stretching and pushing the boundaries of all our businesses, it’s important for all our clients to know that we are at the forefront of our areas of expertise, and for all our staff to know that they are a part of a thriving and successful organisation.
Whether you are Daniel Day-Lewis or a truck driver from Hoddesdon, being recognised by your industry for the exceptional job you have done is a special thing and surely will inspire you to stay at the top of your game for years to come.
With a spectacular pedigree of growth and success over the past twenty years – Culina Group are continually shortlisted and winning key sector awards across the UK. In 2016 we won nine industry awards, and so far in 2017 we’ve been nominated for four.
So next time you are considering Award winning 3PL support give Culina a call and add real value to your supply chain.
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